Orian Rugs Boucle Luna 9 x 13 Silverton Indoor/Outdoor Floral/Botanical Farmhouse/Cottage Area Rug | 387667

The uniquely woven high-low pattern delivers unrivaled softness and strength. A sculpted texture offers visual interest, whether placed in an informal or elegant space. Indoor/Outdoor qualities ensure fade resistance and easy cleaning. 100% Polypropylene fibers are virtually non-shedding, extra-durable and ensure softness. Featuring bold hues in a deep color palette with detailed patterns, this rug delivers high-style at a great value that can be integrated with existing dcor or stand out as a focal point in your space. A non-skid rug pad is recommended to prevent sliding, provide cushioning, and avoid wrinkles. Affordable luxury. Orian Rugs Boucle Luna 9 x 13 Silverton Indoor/Outdoor Floral/Botanical Farmhouse/Cottage Area Rug | 387667 546.15 Buy Now