Striped Red/Black/Yellow Area Rug East Urban Home Rug Size: Rectangle 5' x 3'

We can help you with a variety of area rugs to match any décor. Our indoor Dobby Rugs are printed on the top surface and have hemmed edges. Available in 8 sizes including a round and runner, update any size space with our new area rugs! They feature durable hemmed edges with a vibrant chenille print face and coated backing. With a stiff, lay-flat design, these area rugs are great for any room in your home. Our chenille rug creates a luxurious soft area rug feel. The rug features fringe that carries your design and generous 3” hem fold over creates a heavier border to prevent curl up on the edges. Colors pop on this soft woven surface. East Urban Home Rug Size: Rectangle 5' x 3' 209.99 Buy Now